Silverio Bolognani
ieio Silverio BOLOGNANI (ti.dpinu|inangolob.oirevlis#!em liame) is a native of the Trento province, in the North of Italy. He received the Laurea degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Padova, Italy, in 1976. In the same year, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at that University, where he was involved in the analysis and design of thyristor converters and synchronous motor drives.
Some years later, he started the Electrical Drives Laboratory where a variety of researches on brushless and induction motor drives are carried out in the frame of European and National research projects. He is presently engaged in researches on advanced control techniques for motor drives and motion control and on design of ac electrical motors for variable speed applications.
He is and has been the Scientist coordinator of National and European Research Projects as well as of the confidential Research Contracts between the Electrical Drives Laboratory and Industrial companies, all in the field of electrical motors and drives.

He is author of more than 200 papers on electrical machines and drives. For a list of Bolognani authored papers click here: My papers
He has been serving International Conferences as member of the Steering or Technical Committees. He was for a long time Member of the Working Group "Automation and Energy Conversion" of CPV (Centro Produttività Veneto, an Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Vicenza for continuous education and technology transfer), and President of an Association of local Industries in the Power electronics and Electromechanical fields.

At present he is Chairman of the IEEE North Italy IA/IE/PELS Joint Chapter, Member of the EPE Association Steering Committee ( and Member of the Technical Consulting Committee of CPV (

His teaching activity was first devoted to Electrical Circuit Analysis and Electromagnetic Field Theory and, later, to Electrical Drives and Electrical Machine Design. He is now Full Professor of Electrical Converters, Machines and Drives at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Padova.

P1010388_ritaglio.JPG Silverio Bolognani is married with Serenella. They have two twin sons: Luigi (Doctor in Medicine) and Saverio (PhD in Automation Engineering).
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